Tuesday, January 11

2010 - A review

As you all should know by now, it's the new year. Last year seemed to fly by, and it felt like there was still a few more months left before 2011. The milk carton wasn't quite empty. There wasn't enough for a blancmange, but you could just make a cup of black tea turn brown. But still, it was an OK year. Bit snowy in some parts, but quite nice. Now, I've decided to review the year. Sort of like an unofficial awards ceremony of what I think were the best things of 2010, and what I look forward to this year. The winners won't win anything as such, and probably won't even know that they've won - unless they happen upon my blog...
And so, without further ado, here are the winners!

1. Best Album - Oh No Ono "Eggs"
This is by far the best release of 2010. The songs are magnificent, the album artwork exquisite (it's even been nominated for a Grammy, it's so good!), the whole album is just indescribable from the amazing-ness it holds. If you haven't listened to it, I suggest you do so now. Several songs from the album are in the MixPod in the corner, so you don't even need to leave this site! Nothing I've ever listened to compares with this, and I've listened to a lot of things in my life. Normally, I'd choose a favourite track from the album, and talk a bit about that, but it's actually impossible to have just one favourite track - so here's the track listing:

01- Eleanor Speaks     4:51
02- Swim                    4:38
03- Internet Warrior    4:06
04- Icicles                   3:28
05- Helplessly Young  3:06
06- The Wave Ballet   5:14
07- The Tea Party       3:45
08- Miss Miss Moss    4:19
09- Eve                       6:41
10- Beelitz                   9:46

Each and every one of these 10 songs is amazing in their own way. When you listen to the album, the songs flow into each other, creating a very pleasurable atmosphere to be in. The only "word" to describe this album would be eargasm (which isn't actually a proper word).

2. Best TV Show/Series - Grandma's House
Written by and starring Simon Amstell (former Never Mind the Buzzcocks host), "Grandma's House" wins the award for best TV show. Originally aired on BBC2 from 9/7 to 13/9 2010, with a running time of 30 mins, this show had me laughing almost constantly - not the sort of laughing out loud though, a more "inside" laugh. There were mixed reviews about it, some people liked it, others did not. I (obviously) did. Although a sitcom, the comedy was very clever, and not as obvious to some people. (Whereas another well loved sitcom "Friends" has more obvious humour, and you don't particularly have to dig and delve to find it. Something not very appealing to me.) According to some people, you had to have a certain level of intellect to understand it, which I obviously have. (Not to brag...). There were a total of six episodes in the 1st series, and I hope there will be a second to follow - although with the passing of Geoffrey Hutchings (who played "Grandpa"), I think it will be quite unlikely. All of the episodes have been released on DVD and are available here .

3. Best Film - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
I didn't actually manage to get to the cinema this year, partially due to being completely flat out broke, and also that my local cinema has nothing decent on that I'd go and willingly watch without the use of strong drugs. But one film I did manage to see was the brilliant "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World". (OK, so I watched it on YouTube, but what difference does it make? It was still released in 2010). Starring Michael Cera and Mary Elizabeth Winstead to name a few, and directed by Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz), the film was based on the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O'Malley which I haven't actually read - but I think I should sometime in the near future, being a semi-avid fan of comic books. I won't bother to explain the plot, because I feel that it'll give it away, so just go watch it, preferably sooner rather than later! The film is quite brilliant as I'm sure you will agree (those who've watched it), and I strongly suggest buying the DVD or renting it from your local video store, or even downloading it from iTunes if you're that way inclined.

4. Best Book - ?
I confess! I didn't read any newly released books in 2010. Cane and/or whip me if you must, but none of the new releases last year really caught my eye. I bought plenty of books though, don't go about thinking I don't read, because I sure as hell do! Just nothing thats new. Here are some of the books I bought, for your reading pleasure...

-The Man Who Fell to Earth (Walter Tevis)
-Trainspotting (Irvine Welsh)
-We Need to Talk About Kevin (Lionel Shriver)
-Selfish Pigs (Andy Riley)
-Man Walks Into A Bar (Stephen Arnott & Mike Haskins)
-The Polaroid Book
-Faceless Killers (Henning Mankell) (i.e. the first Wallander book)
-Irish Museum of Modern Art : The Collection
-A German Dictionary
-A French Dictionary

I also borrowed The Great Gatsby from my local library, but since I didn't buy it, it isn't in the list.

So, there it is! My list of favourites from 2010. If any of the winners happen upon this blog, Congratulations! You've won! It may not be a renowned prize, or even mean anything, but it has been a great pleasure watching/listening to your "things", and it's also been good sharing them with you, my readers. (If there are in fact any, and if there are, please oh please make yourself known! Comment + stuff! I don't bite, I swear.)
As promised earlier on in this post, here are the things I'll be looking out for in 2011...

1. Treefight For Sunlight's début album. Although the name and artwork has (sadly) been changed for the UK audience, I'm really really really looking forward to it! It's out on Feb 14th...

2. The last Wallander mystery! Although I'm really dissapointed that it's the last one, I'm also glad that there's another book out soon, also in Feb in the UK.

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