Tuesday, November 23

Thirty Day Challenge: Day #2

2. Talk about any piercings or tattoos, if you have any.
I don't have any! I'm a blank canvas. I occasionally draw on myself if I get bored, and I've been known to paint my arms in tattoo-designs...
I don't like the idea of a) having needles jabbed into my skin and b) having something you can't get rid of on your skin. (You don't know how many wrinkly 96 year old hells angels I've seen with so many tattoos they look like a tattoo-artists portfolio!) As for piercings, the same applies. I don't have any! I tend to jazz up my outfits with scarves, badges and hats, instead of earrings. I don't like needles. (I passed out when I had a blood test done.) People have given me earrings in the past, but I tend to just donate them to Oxfam.
So, that's about it for today's question. But don't fret, tomorrows will come soon enough!

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