Friday, October 9

Changes // New Beginnings

Such a corny title....I'm sorry....

Ok! Once again it's been ages since I wrote anything on this and despite my wanting to, you probably won't hear anything from me for another year. One of the last posts I made detailed a trip to Berlin to visit art schools that I took in July 2014 - a time when I was committed to going to art school and becoming a fully "qualified" artist. A lot has changed since then! I changed my mind from wanting to study in Germany to wanting to study in France, and then from going to university immediately after finishing my A Levels to taking a gap year (which also involved me changing my mind numerous times regarding what I wanted to do). Then I had a moment of madness in September and applied to Goldsmiths through clearing to study History of Art - and by some fluke, got in. Of course, now I face a whole new bunch of problems and I don't have any idea of what I'd actually like to do once I have my degree, but I've put those on the back burner for the time being.

Anyway, now I'm back living in London (and only a stone's throw from where I grew up, can you believe it) I might actually have some interesting things to write about on here. Stay tuned for them! At the moment I seem to spend most of my spare time in galleries eating chocolate cake and the other day I had the fantastic idea of starting a comparison/review series on them (although really it's just an excuse to eat more cake) which will be appearing shortly. Other than that, I don't really know what will be appearing and with my numerous attempts to change this blog around all failing, I think it's time to just go with the flow and write about whatever I feel like. Maybe there'll be more serious political posts, or maybe it'll still be all about the latest records from Scandinavia. (Exciting things are happening in that department currently: I might finally be going to Denmark and Sweden in 2016!). With a large amount of cool shops at my disposal and the wonderful thing that is the student loan, I'm sure there'll be posts about interesting knick-knacks that I pick up - which is something I don't think I've ever written about but I've always wanted to. And of course, lots of posts about exhibitions and galleries (and not just the cafes...)

I also still want to change the name of this blog, however I'm yet to find anything that sounds nice and professional and cultural. Suggestions are welcome, send them in on a postcard etc. etc.

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