Wednesday, March 16

Musique Non-Stop

Hello there, dearest reader!
Just a quickie this time, as all my posts seem to be nowadays.
Recently, what with the Japanese Earthquake/Tsunami situation, I decided to listen to Japan. Not having done this before, I was quite excited to hear what their records were like. This was also partially due to my dashboard on Tumblr being covered with pictures of David Sylvian (I'm not complaining...) and videos of Japan songs. So, on le week-end dernier, I hopped over to YouTube and searched some Japan songs.
I first stumbled upon "Life In Tokyo" - which of course contains the famous line 'Another pickle heads for the sunset'...
After milling around YouTube for a while, I also stumbled upon some other brilliant songs:
"Gentlemen Take Polaroids" 
"Adolescent Sex"
"Quiet Life"
"The Art of Parties"
"Visions of China"
"I Second That Emotion"  (Cover of Smokey Robinson & The Miracles)
"My New Career" 
And there are probably a few more that I've forgotten, but these are the ones that I've listened to the most. I encourage you all to go and take a listen to Japan, because they really are quite brilliant, and to go and check out my Tumblr, because that's where I mostly am at the moment.

-Some of the more observant of you may notice that the title of this post is actually a Kraftwerk song, but that's simply because I couldn't think of a better title, and I've been listening to Japan almost non-stop over the past few days.

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