Wednesday, November 17

Jeg Elsker Danmark!

(If you don't speak Danish, the title means "I love Denmark")

Recently, I have become obsessed with Scandinavia - but one country in particular. Denmark. Don't ask me why, because I really have no idea. I've always liked Denmark, but things started to get serious when I was fortunate enough to watch the music video for "Swim" by Oh No Ono - an amazing Danish band. I listened to the song for days on end, and then became interested in all things Danish. The architecture, the food, the music, the design, all of it. So, I began learning the language. (I can already speak 4 languages, one more can't hurt, can it?) And let me tell you, it ain't the easiest to learn! (I've been using , which is a really good website to use if you want to learn the language) But one thing that truly amazes me is the music. Denmark has some really brilliant bands:

Here are some bands I love, with some of my favourite songs...,
OH NO ONO - (Swim) (The Shock of The Real) (Miss Miss Moss)
(Or just listen to the "Eggs" Album, because I love all of their songs)

TREEFIGHT FOR SUNLIGHT - (Facing The Sun (What Became of You and I?)

VINNIE WHO - (Remedy)


So that's about it for this Denmark post, I hope you like the music and don't hesitate to comment.


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