So what've you been up to in 2010? There's half an hour to the new year, and 2010 has flown by in a Airbus A380. If the world really does end in 2012 as the film predicted, we should make the most of this year. Be adventurous, live life dangerously! Eat those poisoned berries, jump in front of that 20 tonne truck hurtling towards you at 120MPH, do whatever you like in 2011. It's the only year where the date can be 11/11/11 ALL OVER THE WORLD! & read the same backwards as forwards.
20mins to go....
Q: What will you do in 2011?
Fill in your own answer to this question - it can be whatever you like! The crazier the better. The most inventive might win something....*
*DISCLAIMER= You won't actually win a prize, but I'll follow your Twitter/Blog/YouTube/etc. Pretty good eh?